It is certainly possible.

We advise to install Xinaps on a server if Autodesk Revit is installed on a (Citrix/Windows) server as well. Microsoft RemoteFX or Citrix HDX is recommended to experience a smooth 3D visualisation. More system requirements.

Installation steps:

  1. Recommended:
    Try to run it on a local computer/server, or on your sandbox environment first. You can run Xinaps locally with a trial or standard user license.
  2. Make sure Revit is also running on your server. Read more for Windows Server or Citrix
  3. Ask Xinaps for floating licensing. Only a floating licensing is supported for multi-use network set-up.
  4. Download and install Xinaps.
  5. Optional:
    - change the file content under C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\ApplicationPlugins\XinapsForRevit.bundle\BuildingPerformance.dll.config for setting the right folders on the server. You can open this file in Notepad or any similar text editor.
    - copy and paste the appropriate files to the appropriate folders as set in the config file.
  6. Make sure the XinapsModules.lic and all XML files under the "Settings" folder are set to full control to all Revit/Xinaps users. Also see the settings below.
    It is recommended to set the whole XinapsForRevit.bundle application folder to full control.
  7. Open Revit
  8. Open any Revit project
  9. Open Xinaps from the Revit ribbon
  10. Activate Xinaps with your given license credentials.
    During activation, enable the checkbox "activate all plug-ins"

Settings which can be configured:

  • LicenseFilePath to change the path to the "XinapsModules.lic" license file.
  • SettingsPath, to change the path to the the folder "Settings" containing all Xinaps application user settings XML files.
  • ReportTemplatesPath, to change the path to the the folder "Report Templates" containing all Word template files.
  • RevitFilesPath, to change the path to the the folder "Revit Files" containing all Revit reference files.

In the paths values, Windows system environment variables, such as %LOCALAPPDATA% can be used. %appfolder% is set by default, which results in the Xinaps application root folder. These files are automatically placed in the appropriate folder by the runtime application if they do not exist.