Steps taken:
- Open the Xinaps Financial Simulator Plug-In located under the Xinaps tab in the Revit herder.
- Click on the plus sign as encircled in the picture bellow:
- After doing so it will create a new "Construction Cost Template 1" sheet.
- Importing an excel file can be done by right clicking the "Cost Element 1" tab viable under the "Category" list, as indicated in the bellow picture.
- After right clicking you are left with the following options:
- Import Excel Data
- Save as Excel Data
- Highlight in Model
- Clicking on "Import Excel Data" will allow you to import your excel data sheets into the Xinaps Financial Simulator Plug-In.
- Select the file excel file you wish to import and click "Open" once done.
- In this window you are given the option to select the data range that you wish to import by checking the "Limited Data Range" or you can also import the whole excel file if you do not check the "Limited Data Range"box.
- After this you need to specify which of the following rows imported fall into the following categories, as indicated bellow:
- After specifying the categories click "Ok".
- Congrats, you have successfully imported your excel data into Xinaps Financial Simulator and can now access the costs for your Revit model. The end result should be as shown bellow:
Preparing the Excel Sheet:
- Before you can import your excel file it needs to be prepared as per: Category, Level Get the amount of, Filter and Price. Where:
- "Category" allows you to specify what type of fixture is it.
- "Level" allows you to indicate which floor-level corespondents to which fixture.
- (Note: It is advised that the levels of the fixtures go up by one consecutieve number at a time and then restarts itself in the same order).
- "Get the amount of" allows you to specify if the dimension of the fixture.
- "Filter" allows you to remove everything except for the filtered text from the revit file as indicated in the "Get the amount of".
- "Price" allows you to indicate the price of the fixture as indicted in your revit file.
- Where an example of the excel sheet is shown bellow:
Where an exemplar excel template of how the excel sheet should look like and function can be seen bellow.