Version 1.4.5 - Performance upgrade
25 August 2017
- Performance improvement
- Solved issue where parts of the maximum egress distance circles in the visualisation were not shown.
- Solved issue where fire hose coverage as filled regions in Revit were not drawn.
- A fire compartment can now be exited by a stair.
- Solved error when opening the application or changing fire safety settings.
Version 1.0 - Major Release
6 april 2017
- Fire compartments can now be defined by:(shared) Room parameter (existing)
- (shared) Room parameter (existing)
- Wall (type) parameter (new)
- Area plan scheme (new)
- These fire compartments will be used for validating the fire compartments, the fire egress time, and the fire hose coverage.
- Fire Exit doors can be checked so that fire exit doors will be opened in the right exit direction
- Fire Compartments and Fire Egress Walking distances can be visualized in Revit
- All Fire Exit doors and fire exit stairs will be shown as fire exit signages.
- Walking paths on stairs are now visualized in a more detailed walking direction line.
- Various Fire Hose coverage Revit floor plan visualisation enhancements
- Solved issue in calculating egress time when too much people are placed in the building.
Version 0.9 - Bèta Release
19 December 2016
- First version, including:
- Fire Compartment Overview
- Egress Time Calculation and Animation
- Fire Hose Coverage