Selecting a person profile

The accessibility elevator is designed to check accessibility according to a person profile such as for example:

  • Hospital beds
  • Regular walking people
  • Wheelchairs

To select a profile from the pre-set profiles, click the dropdown menu in the left corner and select one of the profiles.

After selecting one of the profiles it is possible to edit the profile by clicking the pencil button. To delete a profile click the delete button.


Editing a person profile

Once a person profile is selected it is possible to edit the profile by clicking the cogwheel button. A new window with settings will open.


The settings menu allows you to define requirements in the tabs regarding: 

  • Passages
  • Stairs
  • Ramps
  • Elevators
  • Escalators

For local standards regarding accessibility pleas visit:

United Kingdom (UK)

United States (US)
2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design
ADA Standards 2010
The Netherlands (NL)
Nederlands bouwbesluit 2012 artikel
Bouwbesluit online



In the passage tab you can set your minima for your person profile for accessing passages.


  • Minimum passage width

The minimum width (number) your person profile needs to pass through the hallways.

If the minimum is not met, the app will indicate that the room is not accessible. To make the room accessible, either change the design to the corresponding passage width or change the person profile.

  • Minimum passage height

The minimum width (number) your person profile needs to pass through the hallways.

If the minimum is not met, the app will indicate that the room is not accessible. To make the room accessible, either change the design to the corresponding passage height or change the person profile.


  • Minimum door width

The minimum width (number) your person profile needs to pass through doors.

The app will calculate the fastest way for your person profile from A to B dependant on the profile minima. If your profile is set to need a minimum door width of 900 mm like the example above, the fastest way from A to B will be a straight line. However when the minimum door width is set to a number greater dan 900 mm e.g. 1800 mm like the example above, the app will calculate the fastest way from A to B while skipping all doors smaller than 1800 mm. The fastest way may look like a longer way at first sight, however it is dependant on the person profile. When no doors with the criteria are found, this means the room is not accessible and changes in either the design or the person profile should be made.

  • Minimum door height

The minimum height (number) your person profile needs to pass through doors. 

If the minimum is not met, the app will indicate that the room is not accessible. To make the room accessible, either change the design to the corresponding passage width or change the person profile.


  • Turning radius

The minimum width (number) your person profile needs to turn around corners. This is specifically important for hospital beds for example.

Minimal%20turning.jpgWithout the minimum turning radius the app will calculate the quickest route from A to B from corner tot corner (red line). However, for several reasons it might be necessary to incorporate a minimum turning radius as for hospital beds for example. In this case enter a minimum turning radius and the app will calculate the fastest route from A to B with this turning radius around corners in order to be able to pass through. Again this is also dependant on the other variables of the people profile. If one of the minima is not met, the app will indicate the area is not accessible by this profile.

 Important note: for now the app does not take into account:

  • Door thickness
  • Door stops
  • Door handles
  • Maximum door turning angle

If this is important in your project, it is recommended to substract these amounts from your gross door size.