Defining fire compartments

To define your fire compartments go to the fire compartments tab in the settings menu and click the fire compartments tab.

In this tab the following options are shown:

  • Fire comparments defined by - in the dropdown menu:
  • Room parameter
  • Wall parameter
  • Area plan scheme
  • Min fire exit width
  • Max Compartment size
  • Max egress path

Room parameter

To define fire compartments with room parameters:

  1. Select a room
  2. Go to properties
  3. In the properties menu enter a value e.g. "60min" or "firecompartment" in one of the identity data fields (e.g. Image, Comments, Base finish, Ceiling finish, Wall finish, Floor finish).
  4. Click apply
  5. Open the Xinaps Fire Safety Assessor
  6. Select the option "Room parameter" in the "Fire compartments defined by" dropdown menu
  7. A new dropdown menu will appear. From this dropdown menu select the identity data field in which you have entered your value
  8. Click OK

Xinaps Fire Safety Assessor will now use the selected room parameters to define fire compartments and will indicate these with a yellow line in the floorplan under the fire coverage tab.

Wall parameter

To define fire compartments with wall parameters:

  1. Select the wall
  2. Go to properties
  3. In the comments or mark field enter your value
  4. Press apply
  5. Open the Xinaps Fire Safety Assessor
  6. Open the settings menu by clicking the settings button
  7. Select the option wall instance parameter from the dropdown menu
  8. Select mark or comments
  9. Enter your fire rating value in the search field
  10. Click OK

Xinaps Fire Safety Assessor will now use walls who contain these terms to create fire compartments and will indicate these with a yellow line in the floorplan under the fire coverage tab.


Defining fire compartments by wall type name:

  1. Select the wall
  2. Go to properties
  3. Change your wall name to e.g. "Wall 200mm - 60min fire rating"
  4. Click OK or apply
  5. Open the Xinaps Fire Safety Assessor
  6. Open the settings menu by clicking the settings button
  7. Select the option wall instance parameter from the dropdown menu
  8. Select wall type name
  9. Enter your search values in the search field
  10. Click OK

the Xinaps Fire Safety Assessor will now use walls with the selected name to create fire compartments and will indicate these with a yellow line in the floorplan under the fire coverage tab.

It is possible to indicate requirements to your fire compartment when these are needed. Open the settings menu and under the fire compartments tab fill in the fields of:

  • Min fire exit width
The minimum width needed for people for your fire exit 
  • Max Compartment size
    The maximum size of your fire compartment
  • Max egress path

    The maximum distance to your emergency egress path

The Xinaps Fire Safety Assessor allows you to calculate the egress time directly in your model. This can be done by room, by floor or for the entire building. To calculate the egress time first enter some settings. Open the app and open the settings menu by clicking the settings button. Click the egress time tab in the settings menu. OR select the egress Time tab in the main interface and click the settings button. The settings menu should directly open at the Egress Time tab.In the Evacuation Time settings the following options are available:

  • Calculation steps
Calculation steps means the time interval with which the app needs to calculate. When set to 30 sec for example, the app will calculate for every 30 seconds, giving you the interval of 00:00:30, 00:01:00, 00:01:30, 00:02:00, 00:02:30 etc.
  • Maximum Egress time
The maximum egress time means the maximum time it is allowed to get to the nearest exit.

Average evacuation speeds
  • Flow through (Fire) doors
The Flow through (Fire) doors means the average evacuation speed of the door. This is calculated by the amount of door width needed per person per second in order to evacuate in time. Widths may differ according to building type and national regulations. Always check the country regulations relevant for your project.
  • Flow through (Fire) stairs
The average time people will take on the fire exit stairs. This is dependant of width and the height of the stairs. A bigger distance between floors with a higher stair will give a longer evacuation time for the stairs. The height of the stairs will be automatically calculated by the Speed over (Fire) stairs. 
  • Egress Walking speed
    The average walking speed of people when evacuating a building.
    Speeds may differ according to stair type and national regulations. Always check the country regulations relevant for your project.
  • Speed over (Fire) stairs
The average walking speed of people over stairs when evacuating a building. 
Speeds may differ according to stair type and national regulations. Always check the country regulations relevant for your project.

Fire Hose Coverage Settings

The fire Hose Coverage Settings are by default set to Dutch Standards. Different standards may apply in other Countries such as the UK and the USA. Always check the country regulations relevant for your project.

Dutch Standard
 United Kingdom Standard
 United States Standard
Maximum walking distance to fire extinguisher
20000 (mm)

Walking offset around corners

Distance correction factor

Default fire hose length

 Fire hose default water throw length

The following settings can be adjusted in the settings menu for Fire Hose Coverage:

  • Maximum walking distance to fire extinguisher
According to Dutch standards the maximum walking distance to a fire extinguisher is 20 meter (NEN4001). This is a default setting and can be manually edited.
  • Walking offset around corners
  • Distance correction factor
  • Default fire hose length
  • Fire hose default water throw length
  • Fire hose name
  • The name of the used fire hose, e.g. Fire-hose, hose, hoses, Fire-hose 20m, brandslanghaspel etc
    • Fire extinguisher name
    The name of the used fire extinguisher, e.g. Extinguisher, Powder extinguisher, brandblusser etc. 
    • Exclude room names from the analysis

    Language settings
    To set the language in the Fire Safety Assessor, open the settings menu and go to the App settings tab. From the dropdown menu choose:

    • "Dutch" to change the Xinaps plugins language to Dutch, intendant on Revit
    • "Same as Revit" to change the Xinaps plugins to the same language as used in Revit
    • "English" to change the Xinaps plugins language to English, intendant on Revit