The Area Analysis gives you an overview of all different area types of your building, within one schedule.

Using the settings:

Under the top right button "settings", you can define:

Group by

You may group and sum all areas by:

  • Area plan, [area scheme] with the area plan you can select the area scheme from you Revit project. It then lists all the areas found in this Revit area scheme. (Default Gross Building)
  • Floor level, so you have all areas per floor level
  • Room Parameter [parameter]

The app also gives the option to select a second grouping. If this is not desired click the "No second" group from the dropdown menu.

A list of area types

You can define a list of all different area types in your building.
To define each area type you can give them:
  • a name
  • Defined by; Where do you want to get the area from?
                The area from:



                            A specific area plan

                                -    Gross Building

                                -    Rentable


  • Include
    • Which room/area/floor/space names do you only want to include?
    • This text can contain wildcards with comma separated values. e.g. office, living, meeting. The search values are case insensitive.
    • Leave "include/exclude" fields empty if you don't want to filter the rooms/areas/floors/spaces.
  • Exclude
    • Which room/area/floor/space names do you only want to include? 
    • This text can contain wildcards with comma separated values.  e.g. toilet, corridor, common. The search values are case insensitive.
    • Leave "include/exclude" fields empty if you don't want to filter the rooms/areas/floors/spaces.
    • If both "Include" and "Exclude" fields are used, then first the areas will filter the objects with name containing the "include" values, and then filter the objects with name containing the "exclude".

Calculate building efficiency

When you enable this option, an extra column will be added to the table in the main interface to check the minimum ratio between two area types. The minimum ratio can be filled in as well.

Add required floor check

When you enable this, an extra column will be added to the table in the main interface to fill in the required floor area by the client. It checks whether the actual floor meets required floor area.

Settings file

All these settings, together with the other spatial requirements settings are saved in XinapsSpatialRequirementsSettings.xml
You may share this XML with your colleagues so they can use the same settings as you, and the results match.

Changing fill patterns and fill colors

To change the fill patterns and fill colors used in the generated Revit floor plans:

  1. Go to settings by clicking the settings button
  2. Expand your window to show all columns of the table or shift your view to view the right columns
  3. Click the text "Fill pattern" of the instance you would like to change
  4. A new window will open
  5. Select the desired fill pattern from the menu
  6. Click OK or double click to select
  7. Your fill pattern should now be set

To change your fill colour go through these steps but click fill color instead

Checking your floor areas

Checking the Required Floor Area
  1. To check the Required Floor Area go to the settings menu by clicking the "settings" button
  2. In the settings window tick the box saying "Required Floor Area"
  3. From the dropdown menu select the area you want to check;

  • GIA Gross Internal Area
  • NIA Net Internal Area NSA
  • Net Sellable Area

Click OK

A new column "Required" will be added to the table in the main interface. In this table, which is set to 0 by default, you can fill in the amount of the desired floor area. The Spatial Requirement Assistant will then use the floor area you selected from the dropdown menu (step 3.) with the required floor area. If the required floor area is met a green indicator at the far left of your table will appear. If the requirement is not met, the indicator will be red.

Checking Building Efficiency
  1. To check your building efficiency, check the box "Check Building Efficiency".
  2. A minimum percentage must be entered
  3. Select the efficiency between:

  • GIA Gross Internal Area
  • NIA Net Internal Area
  • NSA Net Sellable Area

Click OK

A new column "Floor Efficiency" will be added to the table in the main interface. In this table the efficiency between the selected requirements are calculated, shown and referred to the minimum percentage you entered (step 2.). When the percentage meets the minimum percentage the number will be shown in black/grey. If the percentage doesn't meet the minimum percentage the number will be shown in red. The indicator to the far left of the column will be green if the required minimum percentage is met. If the minimum percentage is not met the indicator will be red. 

Combining the Floor Area and Floor Efficiency

The app allows you to use the two features simultaneously. Simply select both options in the settings menu and click OK. Remember that both requirements have to be met in order to get the green indicator at the left of your table. If one of the two requirements is not met, the indicator will be red.

3D Visualization

To get a 3D Visualization of your spatial requirements, simply click the "3D Visualization" button on the bottom. A new window will open, giving you a 3D model with your spatial requirements in different colours. The colours can set in the settings menu at the most right side of the table.

  • To orbit the model use your right mouse button
  • To zoom in or out use your mouse wheel

The 3D Visualization will give you an overview of each floor containing: GIA Gross Internal Area, NIA Net Internal Area, Net Sellable Area. These three elements are presented on top of each other per floor level. To expand the layers simply use the slider at the ride side of the 3D View.

Generating floor plans

The Spatial Requirements Assistant allows you to make your spatial requirements more visible by importing the data to you Revit floor plans. By clicking the button on the bottom of the Spatial Requirement Assistant window the app will generate new floor plans in your Revit model containing the spatial data. The spatial data will be shown in colours and fill patterns, which can be changed in the settings menu at the far right side of the table. 

Exporting your data



  • To export your table from the Spatial Requirement Assistant to Excel: right click on the table and click "Save as Excel File"

            You can now select a folder on your computer and enter a name.



  • To export your table into a Word document: click on the "Report" button on the bottom right corner of the main interface. 

           The app will open word and you can save your document from here on your computer.